Harley Gotardo

I am a dedicated and results-driven person who is passionate about software engineering and artificial intelligence field. I thrive in dynamic environments where my skills can be used to contribute to organizational success. I am known for my commitment to learning, effective leadership, and collaborative mindset as both a leader and a follower, as well as for being responsible, trustworthy, and kind.

Project Highlights

Project 1 Image

Made a simple web application from Platform Based Development subject using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It utilizes Firebase for the database and hosting. The website is an e-commerce platform that allows users to buy and sell items.


  • Sell Item: All users can sell items by filling out the form.
  • Delete: All users can delete their items listed for sale.
  • Edit: All uses can edit their items listed for sale.
  • Project 3 Image

    Quick Stock is an offline mobile application that aims to help sari-sari store owners manage their inventory and sales. The application is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use. It allows users to add, edit, and delete products from their inventory. Users can also view their sales history and generate reports from the dashboard. Quick Stock is designed to be simple and intuitive, making it easy for sari-sari store owners to manage their business. This was developed using Flutter and SQLite. Was made during the Software Engineering subject.

    Project 4 Image

    The BFS and DFS Graph Searching Visualizer is an interactive tool designed to help users understand and visualize the Breadth-First Search (BFS) and Depth-First Search (DFS) algorithms. This application uses a graphical interface to allow users to create and manipulate graphs, and then see step-by-step visualizations of these fundamental search algorithms.

    To see more projects, please see my GitHub profile above.

    Let's Socialize

    More Info, check out my Curriculum Vitae: Harley Gotardo